There are some resources that are unlimited, or at least can be.
Your potential for growth
Your capacity to adapt
Love and grace which you can dispense around you
Life lessons to learn, like my mentor JOHN MAXWELL says: sometimes you win, sometimes you learn
This makes you rich in life, even if that doesn’t add on to your bank account.
While you may have limited resources like money, I’m sure you wish you could add $10,000 every week to your available funds (I do!). That’s like 500K a year.
I’m convinced you’d know what to do with all that moula. Buy a new home or pay off the mortgage, plan that dream vacation, launch a new business venture, give generously to a cause close to your heart and the list goes on.
Though I believe the money could be there for you (and me!), I also know that won’t be the case for most. Yet you are rich with a non-renewable resource in amounts of tens of thousands!
Time. Yes, time.
Every week, you get 10 000 minutes. Or just about. (10,080 to be precise). If you thought $10,000 a week was a lot, 10,000 minutes is as much.
This is where life can become a little more fair. You get the same amount of minutes every week as the millionaire you envy does, same for the pastor you listen to or the neighbour who works crazy hours does. No more, no less. Time is a great equalizer. No one is blessed with more time daily, weekly or monthly. You get the same as everyone else.
The Bible, a book I read daily and admire, mentions that our lives are like a vapor, “like the morning fog, it’s here for a little while, then it’s gone” James 4:14. Life is short, though we could agree that living up to 90 years is a long life. The issue is that you don’t know how many of those years you have, neither do I. Yet, you are rich with time. Richness is something else.
The richness of life comes from what you do with what you have. If you have 120 minutes, would rather spend it doing something or invest it accomplishing something? Do you lose your time scrolling on IG or you find time for your project, friend or business lunch? The same Bible I often quote says “act like people with good sense and not like fools…so make every minute count.”
So make every minute count and all of sudden, you prove the richness of your riches. Carpe Diem they used to say. Make the most of the time you have. Why waste another week of telling yourself “I’ll get to that dream of mine” or “I’ll need to change” or even “I want to nourish my spiritual life”?
You are richer than you think. This week, invest some of those 10,000 minutes you have for something worthwhile, that will change something or someone, that will bring you closer to the reality you aspire to live.
If this motivates you, let me know. Leave a comment, forward this post to someone who needs it, quote it on IG or FB, book a time with me.