Discover how to communicate better and achieve your goals


Self-awareness is key to your success. Growth just doesn’t happen on its own. It requires you to be intentional about it. Your personality, who you are deep inside, will always drive your actions and your behaviors which will determine your results. When you take the MAXWELL METHOD OF DISC, you will discover what motivates you to get moving, what inspires you to keep going and what may hold you back from your desired success as well as which habits, traits and behaviors that launch you into your brighter future.

With the DISC assessment, you’ll gain the ability to leverage all the nuances of your personality in order to achieve the life you long for that totally aligns with your values and beliefs. You will boost yourself up to enrich your relationships, dramatically improve your communication skills and reach your goals and dreams.


YOU and anyone who aspires to grow and gain essential insights into themselves.

By increasing your self-knowledge and awareness, you can discover limiting beliefs and deep-rooted fears that prohibit you from accomplishing your goals. DISC, and the coaching that can go along with it, can certainly help you build new strategies to initiate a breakthrough in your life.

A DISC assessment is also often utilized in a team-based setting. It helps the clarification process of communication between individuals on a team, which results in better team spirit and morale, easier conflict resolution, honest courageous conversations and overall healthier unity.

When used for a sales department or team, trained DISC sales team members or customer service teammates better identify and respond to the styles of their potential clients and customers.

Thinking DISC man behavior assessment


Millions of people have taken DISC assessment. Taking the 15-minute test could save you months, if not years, of self-discovery. DISC examines how an individual ranks in four areas of behavior o which are “Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance”. You and everyone else display these four characteristics, yet, depending on individual, the intensity will vary.

Misunderstanding and miscommunication can easily happen in working or collaborating spaces. You know or have been in situations where someone wanted to take the lead of a project (dominance) and wanted it done ASAP while another teammate was all about marketing sure each detail was taken care of before beginning (compliance). Tensions are normal to a certain degree as we do not use all the same language and view things through the same lenses. DISC promotes and provide a language that can be common to all. As it it said, none of the DISC personality traits are inherently positive or negative. The DISC assessment and its judgment-free results will enable yourself and teammates to better communicate, understand each other and add more cohesiveness.


A modern interpretation of Dr. William Marston's behavioral dimensions, you will discover the four behavioral patterns. With your gained insights from THE MAXWELL METHOD OF DISC, you even have an added bonus of your specific strengths in leadership called the PowerDISC. it will be easier for you to recognize the right opportunities to achieve the results you desire.

DISC behavior assessment man woman self-improvement leadership


This DISC assessment is provided by The Maxwell Method of DISC, one of the most recognized names in leadership. Having served as a leader myself as well as being a coach and mentor to leaders of leaders, for more than 32 years, many recognize me as an authority on leadership, communication and relationships. I am grateful for the opportunities that all these leaders have allowed me to be part of. I appreciate the power of the DISC behavioral assessment as a valuable tool for enhancing your self-understanding and communication in your personal and professional settings.

leadership coaching leaders