Leadership is a complex and dynamic journey that is deeply intertwined with your CHARACTER. Your character, your moral fiber, as a leader can either propel you toward success or become the catalyst for failure. Let’s talk about YOU for a minute!
PITFALLS: How To Fail As A Leader, part TWO
Effective leadership is a multifaceted endeavor that hinges on the bedrock of your CHARACTER, the leader. The choices and principles you uphold are critical in shaping your ability to inspire and guide your teams.
PITFALLS: How To Fail As A Leader, part one
As a leadership coach, I understand that becoming an effective leader is a journey filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. I’ve been there…and still walking on that path!! It's essential to focus on the positive aspects of leadership, what I could call the “perks” but it's equally important to recognize common pitfalls that can hinder your progress.
GOLDEN LESSONS ON LEADERSHIP: What I wish I would’ve understood earlier
In the realm of leadership, I've discovered that it's not about wielding power or orchestrating commands. It's about something far deeper—a profound connection with the people you lead and an unwavering commitment to personal and collective growth. As I reflect on my journey, three invaluable lessons stand out, each etching a mark on my heart and shaping my perspective.
CAMP FIRE LESSONS: Leadership & Speaking lessons I’ve learned around a campfire
If you’ve know me for a few years, you know I’ve been around a few campfires in my life time…..possibly a few thousand times! There's something magical about gathering around a campfire. As the flames dance and crackle, a sense of camaraderie fills the air. It's a space where stories come alive, where laughter and vulnerability intertwine. Little did I know that this seemingly simple setting would become the stage for some of my most profound lessons about leadership and public speaking.